Monday, December 23, 2013

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing with Different Focal Lengths

Get Your Creative Juices Flowing with Different Focal Lengths: "I’ve gone through periods of low creativity in my photographic journey. Times when I don’t have compelling ideas or nothing seems new. When the excuses why not to go takes pictures (“It’s too cold, it’s too hot, the light isn’t right, it’s too cloudy, it’s not cloud enough”) manage to outweigh my need to photograph, and I go into an unproductive slump. It can be hard to break out of these slumps, but there are lots of ways to get the spark back including everything from: getting on dPS to read articles; to looking at galleries of other photographers’ images online for inspiration; to choosing a slightly different route or time to work, in order to see the world in a different way."

'via Blog this'

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