Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Perks of Sitting in the Window Seat | ExposureGuide.com

The Perks of Sitting in the Window Seat | ExposureGuide.com: "The view makes all the hassles of being in the window seat inconsequential. Who cares about not being able to stretch into the aisle, or having to say “excuse me, sorry” 4289 times every time you have to go to the lavatory if it means gaining spectacular views of the Grand Canyon or Mount Fuji. Heck, even a clear blue sky and some fluffy white clouds will do it for me. I know a lot of people share the same sentiments. For me, being able to take window seat pictures is all part of the allure of traveling. There’s just nothing like seeing the world from thousands of feet up in the air."

'via Blog this'

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